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Sincere love blessings , missings and regards.I wish you a happy New Year and a healthy life.新年元旦一般祝福语: Best wishes for the new year. 恭贺新禧。 Wishing you the best of luck in the new year. 新年行大运。

问:元旦在什么时候? Q: When is the New Year ?在1月1日。A: Its on Jan 1st.问:儿童节在什么时候?Q: When is the Childrens Day ?在6月1日。 A: Its on Jane 1st.问:国庆节在什么时候? Q: When is the National Day ?在10月1日。


New YearDay is coming. It is a traditional festival in our chineses eyes. Usually,we are given three days to spend a holiday.My parents plan to invite my grandparents to have a dinner. I am gald that we will share delicious foods in such a happy day.元旦节要到了。

关于元旦英语演讲稿5篇 阅读英语美文会给大家带来与众不同的感受,多读英语也有利于提升我们的英语能力,演讲稿要求内容充实,条理清楚,重点突出。


1、商务英语口语是一门将英语语言与商务知识、商务交际相结合,以英语口语表达为主的综合性、应用性课程。强调打好语言基础,要求语言基础训练和语言应用能力并重。 商务英语口语是一门将英语语言与商务知识、商务交际相结合,以英语口语表达为主的综合性、应用性课程。


2、关于节日的英语口语对话 节日,是世界人民为适应生产和生活的需要而共同创造的一种民俗文化,是世界民俗文化的重要组成部分。

3、A:The Spring Festival is drawing close. By then we will have five days off. I am expecting it.A:春节就要到了。到时我们会放五天假。我盼着这一天的到来。


1、A:The Spring Festival is drawing close. By then we will have five days off. I am expecting it.A:春节就要到了。到时我们会放五天假。我盼着这一天的到来。

2、商务英语口语的内容要从单词起步,第一个问题是词汇量,多少个单词才能让你表达自己? 在一些商务场合,商务英语比汉语的思维可能要简单很多,商务英语说话所用的词汇会更少,大约几百个单词就够了,问题在于如何熟练运用商务英语。 从发音入手 增强发音水平是重要的一步,学习商务英语口语的内容有三个:音、腔、调。



1、Tom: Wheres your boyfriend?你男朋友在哪里? May: He has gone back to his home to celebrate the Spring Festival with his parents.他回家和他父母一起庆祝春节了。 Tom: Oh, so when will you get married?哦,那么你什么时候结婚呢? May: Its still early.还早呢。

2、A:Just like you celebrate Christmas, we celebrate our lunar New Years Day, the Spring Festival. It is a time for the family members and relatives to have a get-together.A:就像你们过圣诞节一样,我们庆祝我们的农历新年——春节。这是家人和亲友团聚的时刻。

3、关于春节的英语口语对话 ASpring Festival is the most important festival in China,isnt it? 春节是中国最重要的节日,是吗? BYes,thats true. 是的。 AHow long is the holiday? 春节的假期有多长呢? BIt depends.But usually its about 7 days. 这不一定。但是一般说大约是7天左右。

4、一 Tom:Wheres your boyfriend?你男朋友呢?May:He has gone back to his home to celebrate the Spring Festival with his parents.他回家和他父母过年了。Tom:Oh, so when will you get married?哦,什么时候吃你们的喜糖啊?May:Its still early.还早呢。

5、have a big dinner at night.How wonderful!I cant wait!翻译:春节就要到了,我们很高兴。我们可以从父母那里拿到红包。同样,我们可以有一个很大的晚宴。


1、英文祝福语简短:前程似锦,好梦成真。A bright future makes a dream come true.幸福快乐,与君同在。Happy, with you.年年今日,岁岁今朝。Every year today, every year now.愿与同僚,共分此乐。

2、英语的祝福语有:祝您好事连连、寿与天齐、开门大吉。I wish you good deeds, longevity and good luck in opening the door.祝您生意兴隆、百年好合、寿与天齐。I wish you a prosperous business, a happy marriage and a long life.祝您蒸蒸日上、福如东海、寿比南山。

3、英文祝福语短句 我们销售部全体人员祝您圣诞快乐! 祝你生日快乐,愿幸福永远相伴! Friends,IhopeyoulikethesunshineIsendyou.Happybirthdaytoyou. 元宵佳节真热闹,大街小巷放鞭炮。迎来花灯门前绕,送来好运如牛毛。龙腾狮舞人欢笑,还有高跷仰头瞧。人寿年丰心情好,幸福生活步步高。
