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端午节手抄报英语:Traditions At the center of this festival are the dragon boat races。Competing teams drive theircolorful dragon boats forward to the rhythm of beating drums。These exciting races wereinspired by the villagers valiant attempts to rescue Chu Yuan from the Mi Lo river。



端午节是中国民间的传统节日。端午节为每年农历五月初五。Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese festival.Dragon Boat Festival is the fifth day of May in the lunar calendar every year.端午节始于中国的春秋战国时期,至今已有2000多年历史。

端午节手抄报的英语内容如下:Traditions At the center of this festival are the dragon boat races。Competing teams drive theircolorful dragon boats forward to the rhythm of beating drums。


端午节手抄报英语:Traditions At the center of this festival are the dragon boat races。Competing teams drive theircolorful dragon boats forward to the rhythm of beating drums。These exciting races wereinspired by the villagers valiant attempts to rescue Chu Yuan from the Mi Lo river。



端午节英语手抄报图片(一) 端午节英语手抄报图片(二) 端午节英语手抄报图片(三) 端午节的由来 thedragonboatfestival,alsocalleddoublefifthfestival,iscelebratedonthefifthdayofthefifthmoonofthelunarcalendar.itisoneofthemostimportantchinesefestivals,theothertwobeingtheautumnmoonfestivalandchinesenewyear。

端午节手抄报的英语内容如下:Traditions At the center of this festival are the dragon boat races。Competing teams drive theircolorful dragon boats forward to the rhythm of beating drums。

描写端午节的英语手抄报内容如下:端午节的由来 众所周知,端午节的由来是中国古代一位满腹才华的诗人屈原。The origin of this summer festival centers around a scholarly *** official named Qu Yuan.他爱国爱民受人尊敬,却由于被嫉妒而受到陷害,逐渐被皇帝冷落。

端午节手抄报内容英文如下:端午节(Dragon Boat Festival)是中国的传统节日之一,为每年农历五月初五。它与春节、清明节和中秋节并称为中国汉族的四大传统节日。端午节的来源有多种说法,但最被人们接受的是为了纪念著名爱国诗人屈原。



Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!中秋快乐!2)Wish you and your family a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.祝你和你的家人中秋快乐。3)Wishing us a long life to share the graceful moonlight, though thousands of miles apart.但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。

中秋节英语中秋节:Mid-Autumn Festival;Moon Festival;Mooncake Festival;Zhongqiu Festival Mid-autumn Festival;Mid-Autumn Day;the Mid-autumn Festival。中秋节快乐:Happy Mid-Autumn Day。中秋节快乐 我们吃月饼。



Our holiday 今天是我们的节日,Today is our holiday,大家心情多么愉快。We feel very happy.队鼓敲起来,Team drum up,队号吹起来,Blow up team no.,小鸟的歌儿也合着我们的节拍。Bird songs are matched to the beat.今天是我们的节日,Today is our holiday,大家气概多么豪迈。

春节的由来 春节,是农历正月初一,又叫阴历年,俗称“过年”。这是我国民间最隆重、最热闹的一个传统节日。春节的历史很悠久,它起源于殷商时期年头岁尾的祭神祭祖活动。


节日英语有:New Years Day、Christmas Day、Easter Day、Thanksgiving Day、Teachers Day。New Years Day 元旦 每年1月1日庆祝新的一年开始,人们举办各种各样的新年晚会,到处可以听到辞旧迎新的钟声。

少数几乎庆祝他们的春天节日那天,汉族有不同的习俗。春节英语手抄报怎么画简单又漂亮 春节英语手抄报的画法如下: 准备材料:白纸、彩笔、铅笔等等。 操作步骤: 首先,准备一张长方形白纸。在白纸上画一个字框,写上标题:TheSpringFestival(可以使用花体字或创意字体),在白纸的右下角画一个正在打鼓的小孩。

use the dumpling symbol family reunion.The beginning of January is on thering is fiesta cooking stove etc. rites before;In the stanza make New Years visit the child New Years Money, friend etc.春节是汉族最重要的节日。春节的历史很悠久。
